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All shipping companies will be closed for the Asian Lunar New Year holiday. Order processing will pause on January 19 and resume after February 5, 2025. Thanks for your kind understanding!

We realize that the thought of owning a luxury handbag is just a dream to many bag lovers with price tags reaching thousands. Because of that need, at Fancy Classy we will bring you the best experience with the best and most luxurious but affordable body bags suitable for all classes of customers.

Fancy Classy exists for the love of fashion and community. We believe in empowering individuality. Our mission will bring you the best experience with the best and most luxurious but affordable body bags suitable for all classes of customers.

Since our establishment up to now, we have received millions of visits and about 30,000 people shopping on the website. Our factory locates in Hong Kong, Dubai and every item will be produced and shipped from here. We specialize in products such as bags, shoes, and accessories.

Thanks for joining us!

Fancy Classy Team

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